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I'm a doctoral student at Department of Chemical Engineering at IITB. Our group is exploring the various physical phenonmena of fluid mechanics. The research problem for my doctoral thesis is droplet oscillations and impact. I with help of my thesis supervisor (Prof. Ratul Dasgupta) interested in understanding the physics of such phenonmena using the tools of applied mathematics.


Research Scholars Symposium 2016 IIT Bombay

A two phase Navier-Stokes solver has been developed which is capable of simulating viscous and inviscid flows. The incompressible NavierStokes equations for multi-phase flow are discretized using a finite-volume method on a cartesian staggered grid in a pressure-velocity formulation

Mumbai-Pune Soft Matter Meet -  2016 IIT Bombay

As our research goals include to study variety of flows in which surface tension plays an important role. We need to implement state of the art methods to add surface tension force in discretised Navier-Stokes equations. Continuum Surface Force model is used to add surface tension as body force but traditionally it has been difficult to calculate curvatures while using Volume of Fluid methods. A Height function method is used which attempts to resolve the problem of spurious currents.

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